5 mysterious underwater cities you can visit

22 Nov 2022

Sea waters around the world hide ancient civilizations that amaze us with their greatness and mystique! Visiting one of them is a very interesting adventure! There are hundreds of sunken cities and settlements in the world, but we are only now beginning to discover what they can tell us about the prehistoric past of mankind.


Pavlopetri is the first underwater city discovered by archaeologists. Its area exceeds 30,000 square meters. The architectural remains of the prehistoric city, which are visible at a depth of about three meters, were discovered in 1904 by Fokion Negri. Scientists found a clear layout of streets and various buildings underwater. They remain in the same form in which they stood on land thousands of years ago. Incredible!

The city's territory lived in 3500 BC, making it one of the oldest sunken cities in the world. The city reached its peak during the early Mycenaean period (15th century BC). This is confirmed by goblets found by archaeologists for drinking wine, vases for aromatic oils, decorated with floral ornaments, and even filters that were probably used to make some kind of drink.

A mythical Pacific civilization

It turns out that mystical pyramids exist not only on the surface of the Earth but also underwater! The Yonaguni Monument, located near the southern edge of the Ryukyu Archipelago, is one of the most mysterious underwater finds. In the 1980s, local scuba diver Kihachiro Aratake discovered a monolithic step pyramid made of stone on the sea floor, which had perfectly straight angles, huge steps, and columns. In the following years, other strange structures were found in this place.

Some researchers are convinced that these are the sunken remains of the mythical Pacific civilization of Mu. According to legend, the continent on which the civilization lived was washed away by a tsunami thousands of years ago.

Others believe that Yonaguni is a natural geological formation that arose as a result of tectonic activity. Be that as it may, travelers can decide for themselves by exploring the underwater mystery on their own. Underwater tours to this amazing place are offered by many local scuba diving clubs.

Ancient Chinese city

An entire sunken city is under the waters of Fuxian Lake in Yunnan Province! In 2001, an underwater archaeological team began exploring the bottom of the lake and discovered many buildings, including eight pyramid-shaped structures. The buildings are spread over an area of 6.5 square kilometers and, according to scientists, are part of the ancient kingdom of Dian, which mysteriously ended up under the waters of the lake about 2,000 years ago. Residents claim that in calm weather they can see the ruins in the water of the lake.

Baia city, Italy

Several centuries ago the city went underwater as a result of volcanic activity. According to one version, even in the prehistoric era, hundreds of workshops worked here, and copies of priceless statues and other historical relics were made there.

City of Port Royal, Jamaica

The legendary pirate city of Port Royal has been the most important symbol of Jamaica for almost five hundred years. The city was founded in 1518 and for many years depravity and cruelty reigned here. In 1692, an earthquake occurred on the island, resulting in the pirate city being completely submerged. Today, its ruins lie at the bottom of Kingston Harbour.