The most dangerous lizards and where they exist in the world

07 Dec 2022

It turns out that there are monster lizards in the world, some of which are capable of injuring and even killing a person! However, forewarned is forearmed. Read about the most dangerous lizards in our material.

The Gila monster

Depositphotos_200496722_L (1) (1).jpg?format=webpThese lizards are considered the most poisonous in the world! The habitat of the Gila monster is the southwestern United States and the northern regions of western Mexico. You can meet these lizards in thickets of cacti, among tall grass and shrubs, in deep gorges, and on the slopes of mountains. These lizards are excellent swimmers, so sometimes they settle next to a pond.
The dimensions of the Gila monster are quite large - the body length is about 60 cm, and a third of the length is occupied by the tail. The weight of an individual is from 1 to 2 kg. The lizard's poison is very toxic: one-tenth of a cubic centimeter is enough to kill a dog weighing 12 kg. And the total amount of animal poison is enough for 12 dogs. 

The green iguana

Depositphotos_115158574_L (1) (1).jpg?format=webpToday iguanas have become very popular as pets, this giant ancient reptile has become the best alternative to a dog but they are extremely dangerous. Ordinary iguanas can weigh up to 7 kg and measure over 1.5 meters in length, which is why these huge lizards cannot be mistaken for a comic attack. You may visit the emergency room if you are attacked by this creature.
In the wild, iguanas live in tropical and semi-humid forests of Central and South America. So we advise you to be extremely careful when walking in these places.

The Nile monitor

Depositphotos_414278668_L (1) (1).jpg?format=webpThe Nile monitor lives in the central and southern regions of the African continent, including Central Egypt (along the Nile River) and Sudan. Nile monitors grow up to 9 feet long!
If the Nile monitor feels threatened by a human or other potential intruders, it can grab the victim with an iron grip, from which it's very difficult to free itself, since the lizard will not want to open its jaws. This lizard can break human bones!

The Komodo dragon

Depositphotos_14037525_L (1).jpg?format=webpThere are known cases of these predators attacking people with a fatal outcome. In addition to powerful jaws, the poisonous glands of the monitor lizard also pose a danger - when bitten, toxins can cause shock, paralysis, and loss of consciousness in the victim. Currently, Komodo dragons live on several islands in Indonesia - so be extremely careful when traveling there. 

The Mexican beaded lizard

Depositphotos_25776793_L (1).jpg?format=webpThis dangerous lizard lives on the coast of the Gulf of California in western and southwestern Mexico, penetrating about 275 km inland. The animal grows up to 95 cm, but usually, its body length is much less.
In the distant past, these individuals were quite harmless to themselves. They had no way to defend themselves from enemies, so mother nature decided to reward them with at least one effective weapon, and let poison through the salivary glands, which was previously absent.
When bitten by the Mexican beaded lizard's tooth, infections or anaphylactic shock are possible in the presence of allergies. So be extremely careful!