Red lipstick brings a lot of money and other amazing facts about this type of cosmetic

06 Dec 2022

Red lipstick is a wonderful cosmetic product that can make your image elegant and luxurious in seconds! But that's not all the nice bonuses that you get from using red lipstick.

Do you want to earn more money? Use red lipstick!

It turns out that it is bright lipstick that encourages men to be generous and kind. Scientists Nicolas Guéguen and Celine Jacob from the University of South Brittany conducted an experiment in which a team of waitresses served 447 customers in three restaurants in the city of Vannes. Waitresses wearing red lipstick received many times more tips than waitresses wearing other shades of lipstick.

According to generous men, the red tint of their lips is associated with sexual arousal and passion, which makes them encourage waitresses. We are sure that such a feature will work not only if you work as a waitress.

A study by scientists at Harvard University and the Procter & Gamble Company proved that female employees with eye makeup and lipstick are rated by their colleagues as more competent and qualified.

Lipstick boosts morale

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once made this conclusion. During the Second World War, he ordered the production of lipstick in Great Britain because it "raises the morale of the population."  The production of any other cosmetics in the country was stopped at that time but red lipstick was especially popular! Amazing!

Red lipstick is a real eye-catcher

According to a study conducted at the University of Manchester, men look at women with red lipstick for the longest time. On average, men looked at them for 7.3 seconds, at girls with pink lipstick men looked at them for about 6.7 seconds, and at girls without lipstick at all - 2.2 seconds. So if you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, we advise you to apply red lipstick on your lips.

Marilyn Monroe's beauty secret

Marilyn Monroe always applied 5 layers of lipstick. With this, the lipstick stayed on her lips as long as possible. She used Guerlain's Rouge Diabolique, now called Kiss #522. 

Did only witches use red lipstick?

In the Middle Ages, for using red lipstick, a woman could be called a witch and sent to the stake of the Holy Inquisition, so the fair sex used it secretly from the environment - for example, going on a date under the cover of night.

Red lipstick as a sign of "easy behavior" of a woman

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, red lipstick became one of the attributes of women of easy behavior. It was by this shade that men distinguished women with whom it was easy to agree to spend the night together. And only the Hollywood stars of the so-called Golden Age - Marilyn Monroe, Ginger Rogers, Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner, Lauren Bacall and others were able to restore red lipstick's good reputation.

Chanel gave red lipstick a “second life”

Coco Chanel was the first to revive red lipstick after many years - in 1924, she released it under the Chanel brand. Advertising her new product, Gabrielle, who considered lipstick of this color a symbol of female power, instructed potential buyers: "If you have cats scratching your soul, dress more elegantly, paint your lips with red lipstick and attack! Men do not like those who mutter and whine."