In which country there are almost no thunderstorms and other incredible facts about this natural phenomenon
01 Oct 2022The only places on our planet where this natural phenomenon does not exist are the North and South Poles. That is because an important ingredient for thunderstorm development is a flow of rising moist air that condenses into precipitation particles that generate electrical charges sufficient to trigger lightning, an ingredient that is noticeably absent at the poles. But in addition to these parts of the world, there is also a country where there are almost no thunderstorms. And this is Egypt. This country generally has fairly stable weather conditions all year round, except for winter. This natural phenomenon in this country can happen once every few years. But most often thunderstorms happen in Argentina. Because the Andes mountains help to lift warm, moist air coming from the north (from the Amazon Basin), which collides with cooler, drier air, from the south, promoting the formation of powerful storms.