5 facts that prove that aliens exist

08 Nov 2022

The topic of mysterious aliens has always interested humanity. In 1947 during a flight pilot, Kenneth Arnold noticed 9 unidentified objects flying in the air. The news of this quickly spread around the world, after which ordinary people began to seek contact with extraterrestrials. We offer you the 5 most interesting facts that prove that aliens exist!

Did aliens abduct people?

There are many horror movies where aliens abduct people. However, sometimes this happens in real life. Betty and Barney Hill were the first to announce it in 1961. The testimonies of the spouses completely coincided, although they were interviewed separately and under hypnosis. How did this story happen?

On the night of September 19, 1961, the couple was returning by car from Canada to Portsmouth. They noticed a light chasing their car in the sky on the way. Barney looked through the binoculars and saw a glowing disc-like object with wings.  Also, the man saw several humanoid creatures inside the object.

The couple tried to escape from the object, after hearing "short signals" as if from a microwave oven. Later, strange non-washable stains were found on the car. The couple couldn’t remember what happened to them during the two hours they spent on the road. It turned out that on that night the air base in Pisa recorded an unidentified flying object on the radar in those places where the Hilles were allegedly persecuted. Amazing story!

How did Martian rock end up on Earth?

A Martian rock was found in Antarctica. Who could have brought it there, if not aliens? In addition, the stone had traces of nanobacteria. This fact confirms the possibility of life on Mars!

Nazca Lines


According to scientists, the Nazca Lines in Peru were created by people who lived there between 300 BC and 800 AD. The lines are different images of animals and geometric shapes, but the main feature of this place is that you can only see them when you are high in the air. The question arises: who used them? The lines were drawn long before the first airplanes appeared, and in ancient Maya times, there were no flying machines. This suggests that the drawings were probably crossed out for "someone" who flew by.



The stones of Stonehenge are placed in such a way that they are in balance with the sun and the moon. How did people 5,000 years ago know how to correctly place these stones? Many believe that extraterrestrials helped ancient humans and taught them about astronomy and understanding the universe around them. But in September 2014, researchers at the University of Birmingham discovered new information about the mysterious structures: an entire underground network of shrines, ancient burial sites, and ritual structures was discovered nearby and is currently being investigated. Thus, Stonehenge can also be attributed to the evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials.

Did aliens visit Earth millions of years ago?

A paleontological expedition in 1959 in the Gobi desert found a strange imprint. Scientists have established that this print was formed millions of years ago. In terms of pattern and size, it’s very similar to the trace of the sole of an astronaut who stepped on Earth when there were still dinosaurs on it. But then there weren't even people... So whose print could it be, if not an alien? We hope that sooner or later we will find answers to these intriguing questions.