Why there are no hospitals in the Vatican and other unknown facts that you did not know about this country

12 Dec 2022

Vatican City is the smallest state in the world. It’s located on the territory of Rome but is a completely independent country. When planning a trip to the Vatican, you'll find a wealth of information about attractions. Also, guides will tell you a lot during excursions. But we have prepared the most amazing facts that you won't hear about on a traditional tour. Let's get started!

Only 5% of the population of the Vatican are women

In total, the population of the Vatican has a little more than 800 people, 95% of whom are men. This is explained by the fact that the population of the Vatican is mainly ministers of the church and the military, which most often become men.

However, Pope Francis supports the promotion of women to high positions in the Catholic Church. In particular, in January 2020, a woman named Francesca Di Giovanni became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for the first time in history. In the Vatican, her position is called Deputy Secretary for Relations with States.

Divorce is prohibited in the Vatican

The Vatican has no legal provisions on divorce and couples can only annul their marriage. Moreover, it is a Catholic place, which is ruled by the Pope. Catholics believe in the sanctity of marriage, so supposedly it cannot be destroyed.

90% of crimes committed in the Vatican remain unsolved

The crime rate per capita in the Vatican is much higher than in Italy. And this is not surprising because in the Vatican there are a lot of tourists and workers from Italy. Among the crimes, pickpocketing, fraud, and insulting the police and civil servants predominate. Those who are caught and convicted are sent to serve their sentences in Italian prisons. But, as a rule, most crimes remain unsolved. So keep a tight grip on your purse if you decide to go to the Vatican.

You can't stay live in the Vatican

It's no longer possible to stay in the enclave. Children lose their citizenship when they turn 18 or when their parents lose it. Becoming a citizen of the Vatican is possible only if you are a cardinal resident in the Vatican or Rome if you are a diplomat representing the Holy See or an official or employee of the Catholic Church.

There are no hospitals in the Vatican

It's difficult to imagine a country that doesn't have an airport, hospitals, and prisons! However, all this is not in the Vatican. These places are situated in neighboring Italy, which is what the inhabitants of the Vatican use. But this state has its helipad, a railway - two tracks of 300 meters each, a post office, and the Vatican Bank.

The Vatican officially believes in aliens

It sounds incredible, but the Vatican officially admits that life on other planets is theoretically possible. In 2006, this statement was made publicly by the former director of the Vatican Observatory, Father Jose Funes. However, whatever the forms of life, the Vatican believes that they are the creation of God.