People Had Such Terrible Luck It's Almost Funny

22 Aug 2024

Lucky or unlucky - that's the point. There are lucky people in life who seem to be lucky but then everything turns out in a different direction and luck seems to laugh at them. What to do in this case? Just be able to laugh at yourself too - you'll be lucky some other time.

1. What a Stroke of Bad Luck

This man was 98 years old when he finally realized his dream and won the lottery. It would seem that he should rejoice and get new strength to continue living. But it did not happen as expected. The next day, the man died without using the money he won.

1. What a Stroke of Bad Luck.jpg?format=webp@rephan/

Life is sometimes striking in its irony. We all strive to achieve success, and dream of wealth and happiness. However, even after years of waiting and hoping, when it seems that the coveted happiness is finally in hand, fate can throw an unexpected twist.

2. It's the Universe Trying to Tell You Something

In this situation, it is difficult to say whether you are lucky or not. These machines that dispense drinks or snacks often have problems. If it's the last bottle in the row, there's a chance it won't hit your hand because the bottle bounces when it falls on the platform. But that's not all: the bottle behind it bounces back onto the platform.

2. It's the Universe Trying to Tell You Something.jpg?format=webp@Mopackzin/

But without a second bottle, it can get stuck between the dispenser platform and the counter. How to deal with this situation? If you don't get what you paid for, the only option left is to call customer service and then avoid similar beverage machines. It's better to go to the store and buy what you want.

3. An Interesting Coincidence

She couldn't help but know that this print is used to make tablecloths. But for some reason, she decided to wear this dress to a meeting with friends. Is it a coincidence? It is unlikely. It's just that this woman has a great sense of humor, at least I want to believe that. Otherwise, it looks like a fashion failure.

3. An Interesting Coincidence.jpg?format=webp@ozielbispo/

Or maybe her friends, knowing about her new outfit, decided to play a joke on her and laid this tablecloth. Whatever the case, it is important to get out of this situation with dignity and not show your disappointment. After all, a positive outlook always saves the day and makes life easier.

4. One Step to Success

He believed in his victory for so long that he was one step away from it. The guy received a lottery ticket with numbers that were one less than the winning ones. How can this be? It seems that the universe just played a joke on him that very day.

4. One Step to Success.jpg?format=webp


It's just that when something is not yours, you will always pass by. But if you really want to, you can try it, as long as you still get your share of pleasure. We all know that the main thing is not winning, but participation. So, this can also be a pleasure, if you don't take a loss to heart.

5. The Driver Thought He Would be Lucky But...

The truck driver thought his truck would make it across the bridge just fine but something went wrong. As a result, the roof was partially torn off and the body was badly damaged. It's strange that there were no height restrictors. But if you do see low bridges, it's better to look for detours.

5. The Driver Thought He Would be lucky, but....jpg?format=webp@MothaFcknZargon/

Sometimes you don't need to push your luck and take risks once again, even if you've had similar incidents before and managed to survive the situation. Life is not always lucky, so sometimes you should be cautious and choose safer ways to accomplish your goals.

6. Headless Horseman

Perhaps it was a sign for the groom, who found figurines for a wedding cake before the Big Day, one of which was headless. And of course, it was not a bride figurine. Sure, this is not a reason to call off the wedding but for those who believe in signs, it is a reason to think.

6. Headless Horseman.jpg?format=webp@Spinach-Inquisition/

Maybe someone made a bad joke before the wedding, or maybe they accidentally hit the figurine? In any case, it's not a very pleasant moment. But if you don't focus your attention on such trifles, you can keep your spirits up and have a great time on your big day.

7. Butter as a Cold Weapon

This butter is so hard that even the sharpest kitchen knife could not cut it. Moreover, the knife's handle broke during the process. The butter was probably very frozen and needed some time to thaw. But someone was so eager to eat bread and butter or something like that that they decided not to wait.

7. Butter as a Cold Weapon.jpg?format=webp@vRreeper/

However, the result was still better than expected. All you have to do is throw away the knife and wait a little bit until the butter softens and you can enjoy it without worrying about breaking your teeth. Patience makes us stronger, so sometimes you have to wait a little to win.

8. Gotcha

This man got caught up in nonsense. That's what it means when you're down on your luck. He robbed a lady and boldly went to the nearest pawnshop to hand over the stolen goods. But in an instant, his system, which worked so perfectly, broke down. He came to the pawnshop where the same woman he had recently robbed worked.

8. Gotcha.jpg?format=webp@SeaTurtlesMane/

This was definitely not what this criminal expected. He lost out on such a trifle and ended up in jail faster than he could have predicted. The law of evil fate worked very quickly. Apparently, this man had ruined his karma or had sinned in a past life and was still paying the price.

9. Magnet for Trees

They say you can't step into the same river twice but this story is not about this guy. A tree fell on his car after a storm near the same house one year. His friends joked that he had a unique "magnetic force" for trees and had to be careful when he parked.

9. Magnet for Trees.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

Although the situation was unpleasant, he decided to take it with a grain of salt and started calling his car a "tree magnet." He realized that sometimes life brings unexpected challenges and you can even find yourself in the same situation twice that you thought was impossible. He learned not to lose optimism and to always look for the positive in any circumstances.

10. Guess How Old the Author's Child Is?

Parents came to a store to buy a candle for their son's cake and imagined their surprise when all the numbers were there except the one they needed. Perhaps it was just that there were a lot of 4-year-olds in their neighborhood and they all had their birthdays in the same month.

10. Guess How Old the Author's Child Is.jpg?format=webp@yeathink267/

Or maybe the store management decided that the number 4 would not bring them good luck and they decided to remove it from the shelves. Life is very unpredictable, and shopping is even more so. You never know what you'll find when you're shopping. Next time, you don't even have to write a list.

11. Oh, and this Goofy

Few people have ever managed to get a toy out of a vending machine but this guy was almost lucky. However, he was let down by another toy - Goofy. Mickey Mouse caught his toy friend's nose and therefore did not fall out of the cherished window.

11. Oh, and this Goofy.jpg?format=webp@MissySassy/

And all this happened a second before Mickey was supposed to be in the hands of his new owner. Maybe. Was Goofy put there on purpose to block the exit of the toys? Now we know this secret and we are sharing it with our users, why not?

12. A Completely Bad Idea

You can't call this man a lucky man and a person who knows how to save money. And all this thanks to his brilliant idea, which saved him a lot of trouble literally on the same day. This man installed his own microwave oven above the stove and saved $150 on the installation.

12. A Completely Bad Idea.jpg?format=webp@zingusdingus/

This man installed his own microwave oven above the stove and saved $150 on the installation. And it sounds cool at first glance. But he didn't take into account one thing: the microwave heats up and as a result, the glass on the stove cracked.

13. When Too Much

Many people, of course, love a variety of seasonings, such as oregano. However, no matter how tasty they are, it's important to know the right amount. In this case, however, an unpleasant situation simply occurred. The special mold where the oregano was stored failed.

13. When Too Much.jpg?format=webp@Waaaazzzzzuuuuuupppppp/

The lid broke and the seasoning spilled out onto a piece of pizza. To be honest, it's a good thing it wasn't salt or pepper, otherwise, we would have had to cancel the meal. The conclusion from this situation: always check the lid.

14. Delivery that Lets You Down

People ordered plates three times and each time they received broken dishes. The first time, two plates broke at once, and the second time, only one plate broke. So, they decided to try their luck a third time. And it was like a victory at first glance.

14. Delivery that Lets You Down.jpg?format=webp@juan_mvd/

The dishes arrived intact. The couple's joy knew no bounds. But as it turned out later, they were in a hurry to rejoice. A month later, the woman noticed a crack on one of the plates, which meant that there were only 1, 2, and 3 left before the split... But maybe it wasn't the delivery?

15. Is it Pizza or a Bomb?

It was supposed to be just a traditional pizza but something went wrong. For some reason, part of the dough leaked down and formed a kind of mushroom that resembled an atomic bomb. Now it's a masterpiece pizza that deserves a special place in cooking.

15. Is it Pizza or a Bomb?.jpg?format=webp@Flashbang1985/

However, it is not known whether it will be possible to repeat such an unusual choice again but it looks very interesting and unusual.  This pizza was undoubtedly a hit with friends and family, creating a great topic for conversation and laughter. Even if the taste remained traditional, its appearance won the hearts of everyone who saw it.

16. The Worst Luck in Scrabble Ever

Board games are very interesting and useful entertainment for both children and adults. However, you need to know how to play them. But this is only at first glance. It is quite possible to learn something new but luck in the game is a capricious thing.

16. The Worst Luck in Scrabble Ever.jpg?format=webp@FoodRFriendsNotFish/

This girl was not 100% lucky. She definitely did not expect this from herself, and we understand her. We hope that she didn't play for money that time, and if she did, she didn't lose all her savings. It would have been very unpleasant, wouldn't it?

17. Minus One

Bluetooth headphones while cleaning the sewer is a bad idea and here is the answer to the question "Why?". A girl has a strainer designed to catch everything that falls into the sink. One day she decided to clean it with her headphones on. And as you might have guessed, she now has one less headphone.

17. Minus One.jpg?format=webp@jvvle/

During the process, one of the headphones accidentally fell out and went down the drain. This was a clear example of why you should be careful and not use valuable things when doing such work. Now she knows that it is not always safe to combine technology and household chores.

18. The Dog Has Decided for You

When you look into the eyes of this cute dog, you're ready to forgive him for any offense. But what if the dog tore up your passport, and you had to fly somewhere on business in two days? What should you do next? Look at it from a positive perspective.

18. The Dog Has Decided for You.jpg?format=webp@LauraEatsFalafel/

What if it's a sign that you don't have to go anywhere? Hopefully, this story ended well. And next time, the dog owner will just hide his documents in a safe place. And this case should be seen as a lesson learned because you still need to keep your passport in a safe place.

19. Someone is Having a Bad Day

This is a car accident. Look at the car on the left and the fireman on the right. The owner of the damaged car doesn't seem to care much about these moments but the paint that has spilled all over the trunk and beyond is the biggest concern.

19. Someone is Having a Bad Day.jpg?format=webp@Speeedo/

This is not surprising, because it not only spoiled the appearance of the car but also created an additional mess that now needs to be cleaned up. It's an additional burden on his already difficult workday. He'll probably have to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning it up. This situation is a great example of how, even during serious incidents, the little things can be a huge nuisance.

20. Nesquik plus Keyboard - A Rattling Mix

We're used to working on our laptops and having something to drink or eat at the same time. It saves us time and gives us energy to keep working. But there's always a risk that something could go wrong. This guy decided to treat himself to a Nesquik.

20. Nesquik plus Keyboard - A Rattling Mix.jpg?format=webp@PHDIKOULAS/

He took a box of the drink but at some point, it fell on his keyboard. Now he's in a bad mood. He has a whole day of important work ahead of him. He has to clean the cocoa powder from his laptop. And most importantly, he has to make the right conclusions and not eat or drink near the equipment anymore.

21. Tricky Dog

Animals are very intelligent creatures. They have their own intelligence and are very observant. So, if someone pisses them off, they will definitely remember it and find a way to teach them a lesson for their misbehavior. That's probably what this dog did. The dog stole a man's shorts when he went swimming in the sea.

21. Tricky Dog.jpg?format=webp@ReaganAbe/

How's that for a twist? Imagine the man's surprise and confusion when he returned to shore and saw his clothes were gone. The dog had decided to play a joke or perhaps intended to teach the man a lesson for something that had happened earlier. For sure, that man will remember this day for a long time.

22. How Could This Happen?

It seems that the craftsman who installed this washbasin forgot his eyes at home. Otherwise, how do you explain that the tap is on the opposite side of the sink? And now they need to rearrange everything in a new way because it's not easy to move it.

22. How Could This Happen?.jpg?format=webp@MgwenaB/

We hope they didn't pay for this miracle work. Because such things need to be done right away, and not create discomfort for people. But perhaps the craftsman was simply not paid earlier and thus decided to teach the apartment owners a lesson.

23. The Instructor's Lesson Didn't Go Well

Being a driving instructor is not an easy task. And you can't argue with that. You get all kinds of students. But a driving teacher has a spare brake on the passenger seat to help him in extreme situations. But for some reason, this instructor did not use it.

23. The Instructor's Lesson Didn't Go Well.jpg?format=webp@raytaylor/

As a result, his student flew into a fence and hit the house of random people. It turns out that spare brakes are not an indicator of safe driving. So, you should always keep your cams behind you when you get into a car with a student.

24. Running Toilet Paper

Who doesn't get into trouble - everyone does from time to time. But not everyone is as unlucky as this guy. He was just trying to roll up some toilet paper while sitting on the toilet in a public restroom.  Suddenly, the roll fell out of his hands and rolled behind the stall door.

24. Running Toilet Paper.jpg?format=webp@boobytrap_backwards/

And we know very well that no matter how hard you try to catch it, it won't come back, it will only roll away further and further. So, it's better to always have napkins with you to avoid such an unpleasant situation. Of course, you can't foresee everything in life but you can still do this.

25. The Worst Watermelon. Ever.

You buy a watermelon and think that you're going to cut it up and enjoy the delicious berry. But fate decided otherwise. The heavy, large watermelon was almost pulpless inside. One can only imagine the disappointment of the person who bought such a strange watermelon.

25. The Worst Watermelon. Ever. .jpg?format=webp@TheEpicWaffleOC/

It's better to buy a half watermelon, so you can see exactly how much flesh is inside. At least you won't buy a pig in a poke, and you'll really enjoy the deliciousness and not be disappointed. And this is an example of a not-so-good purchase.

26. She Hoped for a Different Picture

Tired after a hard day at work, you're finally on your way home. What's more, today you even managed to find a free seat in the transport and get to your destination sitting down. But your bad luck has struck again. Some man leaned against your seat and forgot to pull up his pants.

26. She Hoped for a Different Picture.jpg?format=webp@raesaveragelife/

As a result, you'll now see his rear end the entire way, even though you certainly weren't dreaming of that. It was the very moment when you just wanted to relax and have a good time but instead, you had to look at this ugly picture. All I could do was sigh and hope that next time the circumstances would be more favorable.

27. Problems Come Unexpectedly

How could this have happened? Did someone decide to throw their wardrobe out of the window or was it just standing there and suddenly the balcony collapsed? Yes, it did! The wardrobe landed directly on someone else's car. This incident definitely caused a lot of emotions for the car owner. We can only imagine his shock when he saw his car under a pile of wooden debris.

27. Problems Come Unexpectedly.jpg?format=webp@DwayneSuzuki87/

The story must have spread quickly among the neighbors and become a topic of discussion for several days. Meanwhile, the owner of the locker probably didn't expect such a result of his actions or accident either. Although the situation is absurd, it's good that no one was hurt and that the damage was limited to material damage.

28. Only One Way Out - Go for a New Drink

So, you ask someone to buy you a delicious drink, and when they bring it to you, you plan to open it but you get a surprise: the opening is drawn but not cut. You can only look at the can in disappointment, wondering how this could have happened.

28. Only One Way Out - Go for a New Drink.jpg?format=webp@Gobscheidt/

It's a small thing that can ruin your mood and make you look for other ways to open your favorite drink. But on the other hand, such moments add a little humor to life and become unforgettable stories for friends and family. Never lose your optimism.

29. They Gave Him a Ride and Ruined His Mood

The man had a good time, solved some problems, and was even lucky enough to get to his main destination. A friend was driving by and decided to give him a ride to the right place. But then it turned out that it would have been better not to give him a ride.

29. They Gave Him a Ride and Ruined His Mood.jpg?format=webp@walktoolittle/

The man sat down on the seat of the car, and when he stood up, he saw that his shorts were dirty. Probably, something dirty had been spilled in the car and now the man had to walk like that for the rest of the day. Probably, after such an incident, he will definitely look at the seats before getting into someone else's car.

30. Is This Bad Luck?

Many of us like to buy fortune cookies. The main goal is to read what message you will get and fantasize about what awaits you next. But what a disappointment this guy was in for: he bought himself such a magical cookie but there was no prediction.

30. Is This Bad Luck?.jpg?format=webp@alcid34/

He took a picture of it and posted it online, asking his followers if it was a bad omen from fate. We think not. It's just that sometimes some things have to remain a mystery and only with time can we learn about them. Or you can challenge fate once again and buy another fortune cookie.

31. Where is the Caramel?

You buy something sweet to reduce your stress level, only to be disappointed. A guy bought a Twix bar but there was no caramel in it. He shared his sad story online and wrote that now his day was ruined and his mood was down. This is the moment when you expect a pleasant treat to cheer you up but get a completely different result.

31. Where is the Caramel?.jpg?format=webp@SomeGenZKid/

Other users began to share similar stories of failed purchases, creating a kind of disappointed customers club. Although this situation is unpleasant, it shows that even in small things you can find something in common and unite with others in a little comic disappointment.

32. New Jeans Ruined During the First Wash

A girl bought two pairs of jeans on Amazon and washed them according to the instructions. After washing, both pairs began to literally fall apart. Everything was covered with black powder, including the inside and outside of the dryer. She had no choice but to return the jeans.

32. New Jeans Ruined During the First Wash.jpg?format=webp@TechSupp047/

The girl had never experienced such disappointment with a purchase before. They must have been made of poor-quality material to have done this to them. Now she had another phobia. Now this girl will definitely not be buying clothes online anytime soon.

33. Road Conditions During the Final Driving Test

Driving tests are always stressful, even when you have learned to drive well. But in this case, it was doubly stressful. The student had to take his exam on a day when the road was covered in thick fog and required a lot of attention. Instead of focusing only on completing the tasks, he also had to consider the limited visibility and additional risks on the road.

33. Road Conditions During the Final Driving Test.jpg?format=webp@lovely_carrot/

This created additional pressure, making the exam even more stressful. Despite the challenging conditions, the student gathered all his strength and tried to show his best skills. Such an experience, although difficult, helps to develop self-confidence and readiness for unforeseen situations on the road in the future.

34. There was a Ladder and then There was No Ladder

What a surprise. A man climbed up on the roof to repair something, and when he turned to come down, he was in trouble. The ladder he used to climb up had fallen down. It's good if there is someone at home and they can be reached by phone, then the situation can be saved.

34. There was a Ladder and then There was No Ladder.jpg?format=webp@Waaaazzzzzuuuuuupppppp/

But if no one can put the ladder back up, the man will be in trouble. He will either have to dial 911 or... jump, which is very dangerous. Life is about constant surprises: good and bad. You never know what can occur in just a minute.

35. What did You Know about Failure?

This is the perfect example of the biggest failure knocking on your door. It sounds like a picture from a movie or a common meme but unfortunately, it's true. The car has almost completely sunk under the asphalt. It looks terrible. To get it out, we will have to call special services and a tow truck.

35. What did You Know about Failure? .jpg?format=webp@bobbleheadmcdoogleblaster/

The situation is very unpleasant but in this case, the city authorities and road services must solve the problems with the asphalt. Otherwise, many people could be injured. And all of this is due to the negligence of the authorities, who are supposed to be monitoring the quality of the roads.

36. Just Wanted to Eat

When you try to separate the chopsticks and suddenly one of them breaks as badly as in the photo. Not the most pleasant situation that can happen in a restaurant. You came to relax, to try something new and delicious, and then such a trifle spoils the mood. It may seem like a trifle but when you're looking forward to a pleasant meal, such minor troubles can be upsetting.

36. Just Wanted to Eat.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

When they break in an inconvenient way, chopsticks not only complicate the process of eating but also distract from the pleasure of the meal. This situation can be especially frustrating for those who are not used to using chopsticks. However, this is another example of how small inconveniences can become part of our daily.

37. Warning: Do not Put Money in the Microwave

A bank employee was shocked to receive a stack of charred $20 and $50 bills. The customer said they had tried to disinfect the money in the microwave to kill coronavirus germs. Of course, everyone knows that money has a lot of germs on it, but to disinfect it in this way? That's too much.

37. Warning- Do not Put Money in the Microwave.jpg?format=webp@centerforsiouxland/

People can surprise you with ridiculous things. But at least they could have consulted with the bank employee before doing something stupid. I want to believe that they won't do it again. Life still has something to teach. If not, these people will definitely lose all their savings.

38. Greetings from the Concrete Mixer

The driver of a concrete mixer didn't realize that his machine was having problems, causing the concrete he was carrying to leak. Not only did it spill onto the road but it also spilled onto the car behind him. This created chaos on the road and caused a lot of trouble for the owner of the car covered in concrete.

38. Greetings from the Concrete Mixer.jpg?format=webp@Thesomanyethcrazycatlady/

The driver of the affected car must have been in shock when he saw his car turning into a concrete sculpture. This situation causes not only disappointment but also additional costs for cleaning and possibly repairing the car. The concrete mixer driver will probably have to explain his negligence and take responsibility for this incident.

39. Teenager Stuck on a Playground

The boy probably forgot that he was already grown up and might not be able to get into the swing. But no, he did get into the swing but he couldn't get out. Not because he was overweight but because the playground was designed for small children. So, his friends had to call 911 to rescue him.

39. Teenager Stuck on a Playground.jpg?format=webp@Mandatory/

This situation, while funny, also demonstrates how easy it is to get into an awkward situation due to recklessness. The teenager probably just wanted to have fun and return to his childhood for a moment but instead found himself trapped. Playground visitors and passers-by must have been surprised to see rescuers helping to free the boy from the children's swing.

40. The Pages have Disappeared

You're just picking up a book from the shelf to plunge into the world of reading when you get a surprise. When you notice that someone has inexplicably torn 10 pages in a row right out of the middle of the book. Perhaps, in such a barbaric way, the person wanted to keep the intrigue in the story or simply speak out against this author.

40. The Pages have Disappeared.jpg?format=webp@Waaaazzzzzuuuuuupppppp/

Whatever the case, you shouldn't do such things, because someone else might want to read this book too. If it's so annoying, you can simply give it to someone else. Maybe this book will become a favorite for someone. But the person who tore out the page decided to dispose of it differently.

41. It’s True Fail

It is not known how this car got into such a difficult situation but we can only sympathize with the owner. It's unlikely that the car can be repaired after this. It was completely flattened, and it's a good thing no one was there. This situation looks very unpleasant and will undoubtedly be a great stress for the car owner.

41. It’s True Fail.jpg?format=webp@GEFails/

It is hard to imagine what the owner felt when he saw his vehicle in such a state. Nevertheless, the most important thing is that no one was injured. Material losses can always be recovered, while people's safety and health are the most important.

42. The Reason Appeared

There are things that happen very unexpectedly and it is even difficult to explain why and how they happened. A guy put on his favorite shirt for the first time since summer and inexplicably it got caught on the door handle and tore. This is an unpleasant moment when you plan to spend the day in comfort and style, and an unexpected event spoils everything.

42. The Reason Appeared .jpg?format=webp@DIHKH/

Now the guy is forced to look for new clothes or try to repair the damaged shirt. Such small setbacks sometimes seem insignificant but they can ruin your mood for the whole day. However, it is also a reminder that life is full of surprises, and even in such situations, you can find something positive - for example, a reason to buy a new favorite shirt.

43. Houston, We Have a Problem

A female driver attempted to make a U-turn on a street where roadwork was underway and drove directly into a newly paved section of road. Her car was trying to cross the cement section, despite the fact that it was marked with bright orange cones.

43. Houston, We Have a Problem.jpg?format=webp@galactica216/

Rescuers quickly responded to the call and pulled the car out 20 minutes after it happened. Road workers repaired the street 15 minutes later. But this story will definitely remain in the memory of the driver and the passersby who witnessed the incident forever.

44. You Could Have Foreseen it

The owner of an apartment decided to carry a new sofa through the visual aisle, and what do you think happened? Of course, it got stuck. This is a classic case of plans not going as expected. It was hard to foresee that the sofa wouldn't fit through the aisle but now the owner will have to find a way to get it out of the trap.

44. You Could Have Foreseen it.jpg?format=webp@michsoledesign/

This situation can cause both irritation and laughter, as it seems comical from the outside. It may be necessary to call helpers or even disassemble some of the furniture so that it finally ends up in the apartment. Maybe next time he'll exercise more caution.

45. Failure after Failure

They say that you can't hide from problems that are bound to happen. The story that happened to this man is striking. It seems to be a piece of black comedy but all stories are taken from life, so there is nothing to be surprised about. The main conclusion that the hero of this story should have made is to drink less.

45. Failure after Failure.jpg?format=webp@Rat_Girl87/

A lot of troubles happen when people are drunk. People lose self-control and do strange things. But the worst thing is that they can harm not only themselves but also other people, and all because of excessive alcohol consumption.

46. Toyota is not Easy to Kill

For some unknown reason, the truck's body flipped over to the side of the passing cars. And it looks like Toyota was very lucky. The roof of the car was so strong that it only tilted slightly. Or perhaps the driver was born with a shirt on and luck saved his life.

46. Toyota is not Easy to Kill.jpg?format=webp@7genn/

This case reminds us that sometimes technology can exceed expectations and withstand incredible loads. The Toyota owner can be grateful for the quality of his car, as well as his luck. Despite the stress and potential danger of the situation, the main thing is that everyone remained unharmed.

47. Time to Review Parking Habits

Perhaps these birds simply annoyed this driver, who decided to soil his car so heavily. Perhaps he left his vehicle parked for a long time in a spot where birds often sit on wires and found this place very attractive. It is known that birds often choose wires or other high places for rest or observation of the territory.

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Sometimes this can lead to cars underneath becoming "targets" for their unpleasant deposits. This is not only unpleasant for the car owner but also difficult to clean. Perhaps this driver will decide to review his parking habits to avoid such situations in the future.

48. The Day Before the Wedding

It did not work out as expected. A girl wanted to look beautiful before her wedding and decided to curl her eyelashes. But something didn't go as she had planned. In the end, she cut off her eyelashes. Her mood was completely ruined.

48. The Day Before the Wedding.jpg?format=webp@landofbizarre/

Luckily, the groom managed to calm his beloved down and the wedding went ahead. Let the cropped eyelashes be the bride's biggest problem in this marriage, and let everything else go as well as possible. In any case, the eyelashes will grow back slowly but still.

49. Fried Eggs Failed

Looking at this photo, there are more questions than answers. In a short period of time, this guy broke several dozen eggs and dropped them on the floor. Why he didn't clean them up in time and continued to break eggs is a mystery.

49. Fried Eggs Failed.jpg?format=webp@bugminer/

Perhaps he just wanted to take this epic photo and post it online, or perhaps he did it on purpose. In any case, he had several hours of work to do. Cleaning slippery eggs from the floor is a difficult job, and you'll need a good detergent and a lot of patience.

50. Bees Have Taken a Liking to the Car

For some reason, this swarm of bees chose this car and decided to make it their home. We think that the owner of this car was not going anywhere that day - the bees definitely influenced his plans. Now you can't do anything without a 911.

50. Bees Have Taken a Liking to the Car.jpg?format=webp@scorchednickel/

Because it is very difficult to negotiate with these honey insects on your own. They are probably wild and urgently need a home to continue their work. But a car is definitely not suitable for this. All that remains is to guide the bees in the right direction.