An Exhaust Pipe Between the Legs and Other Eye-Rolling Ads That Make You Wonder, 'Who Approved This'?!

24 Dec 2024

Sometimes advertisers are so desperate to grab attention for their product that they cross every possible line without even realizing it! The result? Cringeworthy ads that can sometimes make you feel nauseous—literally!

No Tobacco, No Taboos—And a Grandma in the Mix

An electronic cigarette brand thought they’d push boundaries by showing a young man cozying up to a grandma, with the tagline, “No tobacco, no taboos.” The message? Their product breaks all the rules. The vibe? Awkward! 

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Instead of feeling edgy, it just left viewers wondering why this was the chosen imagery.

Pamela Anderson in Strange Ad

An animal rights campaign plastered Pamela Anderson’s body with labels, comparing her anatomy to cuts of meat. 

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While the message was supposed to make people empathize with animals, the ad came across as invasive and uncomfortable. Still, when people are compared to animals, it becomes somehow uneasy...

C*ndom Ads Gone Too Far

One company wanted to advertise the strength of their condoms but did so by showing a baby happily holding one like a balloon. 

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While the humor of the situation is undeniable, it left most people wondering who thought this was the best way to highlight “reliability.” Points for creativity? Maybe. Points for tastefulness? Definitely not!

Nike and Bathroom Breaks—A Combo Nobody Asked For

In one of the most baffling moves ever, someone paired Nike’s iconic “Just Do It” slogan with an image of a man sitting on a toilet. The implication was... unclear. 

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Were they promoting athletic performance or just productivity in all areas of life? Either way, it’s image no one wanted burned into their memory.

It’s Blow Your Mind (No Thanks!)

Burger King really went there with this one. A woman with her mouth wide open is shown in front of a long hotdog, and the slogan reads: “It’s Blow Your Mind.” 


Yeah, we get the “joke,” and no, it’s not funny—it’s cringey and super uncomfortable. Let’s leave the intimate innuendo out of fast food, shall we?

Sumo Wrestlers on a Taxi? Sure…

A “Sumo Taxi” ad plastered giant cartoon sumo wrestlers onto cars to make it look like the wrestlers were sitting there. Funny idea? Maybe. 

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But seeing a cab that looks like it’s about to be crushed under 500 pounds of wrestler doesn’t exactly scream “safe ride.” It’s the kind of ad that might make you laugh… before calling an Uber instead.

Billboard Strip Show—Nobody Asked for This

This two-part billboard featured a man starting to undress on one side and fully naked on the other (thankfully covered with a banner). 

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It was an ad to sell… billboard space. And the guy? Not exactly someone you’d want to see shirtless. People were confused. Why use that concept to promote your business? The humor just didn’t land.

A Highway Ad That’s Way Too Suggestive

This one took things way too far. Two billboards were placed on either side of a road: one showing a woman’s left leg and the other her right. 

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The road running between them? You get the picture. It was an ad for lubricant, and while it certainly got noticed, most people just rolled their eyes at how unnecessary—and awkward—it was.

A Hairy Situation

A nose hair trimmer ad showed massive “hairs” (actually thick ropes) sticking out of a nose. The point? To show what happens if you don’t trim. 

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The problem? It was so gross that people probably wanted to avoid looking at it altogether, let alone buy the product. There’s a fine line between funny and revolting, and this one crossed it.

Giant Dick's – Um, What Are We Looking At?

This one is just a marketing disaster. A food company called Giant teamed up with a sports retailer named Dicks—and slapped the two names together in a billboard. Instead of being creative, it just led to lots of awkward giggles. 

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We get it, it’s a catchy word combination but it definitely wasn’t the attention they were hoping for. Sometimes, trying to be “shocking” just ends up making people laugh for the wrong reasons.

Cough Syrup Ad That Went a Little Too Far

An ad for a popular cough syrup ended up looking way worse than intended. The design made it look like the woman holding the product was, uh, sitting on the toilet, dealing with an entirely different issue. 

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The placement was so unfortunate that it became a visual joke for everyone who saw it. Instead of promoting the syrup, the ad ended up creating more confusion.

When You Replace Kids With Dogs (Huh?)

Adopt a dog, they said. It’ll be great, they said. But one ad took things too far by suggesting that, once your kids grow up, it’s time to “replace them” with dogs. 

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The image of a man trading their grown kids for shelter dogs didn’t exactly send the warm message they intended. It was supposed to encourage adoption but the execution felt more awkward than inspiring. 

Bus Seat Ads Gone Wrong

If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic, you know there’s no shortage of ads in public spaces. 

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But one ad for a local business took it too far by designing a seat in such a way that the view of a passenger was... let’s just say, not ideal. Putting emphasis on the semi-exposed buttocks of passengers is not the best solution.

Texting and Driving, With a Cowboy Finger?

One public service ad tried to show how dangerous texting and driving could be by featuring a finger wearing a cowboy hat and holding a gun. Yeah, you read that right. 

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The message was clear: texting while driving is dangerous. But the weird imagery made it hard to take the message seriously. It’s like they were trying so hard to get attention that the ad became more confusing than helpful.

A Pain Relief Ad That’s Too Real

Pain relief ads can get graphic but one for a headache pill took things way too far. 

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The package featured a guy writhing in pain with a hand cutout designed to fit right where his head was. It was downright disturbing! While it did grab attention, it probably wasn’t in the way the brand hoped.

Energy Strips by the Pool – Uh, What?

There’s a brand called Sheet (yes, really) that thought it would be cute to promote their energy strips with the phrase “I take a sheet in the pool.” 

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Sounds like a bathroom situation, doesn’t it? The slogan is meant to be cheeky but it just comes off as gross and awkward, leaving people more confused than interested in trying the product. Maybe next time, they should focus less on wordplay and more on clarity!

A Toothpaste Ad That Literally Hit the Streets

One toothpaste brand took a literal approach by circling a pothole in the street and drawing tooth around it to make it look like a giant hole.

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While clever, this type of cringe advertising just left people feeling more annoyed about their city’s infrastructure than inspired to buy toothpaste. After all, who wants to think about cavities—or road hazards—on their commute?

A Tissue Ad That Could Cause a Car Crash

In a bold but bizarre move, a tissue brand attached a flowing fabric “tissue” to the back of a moving car. The idea? To highlight their product as a savior during cold season.

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However the execution... Completely reckless! While it may have caught some eyes, it also raised safety concerns, proving that some stunts aren’t worth the risk.

Upside-Down Man in a Suit? No, Thanks

One men’s suit brand tried to show off how flexible and comfortable their designs are by using an ad of a man hanging upside-down in a business suit.

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The visual was supposed to communicate ease of movement but instead ended up looking like a circus stunt. It was more off-putting than engaging, leaving viewers scratching their heads about the actual product.

Shark With Human Teeth—Why?!

A toothpaste ad featuring a shark with a set of disturbingly human-like teeth might be one of the strangest concepts yet.

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While the message—strong, healthy teeth—is clear, the image is pure nightmare fuel. Sharks are scary enough on their own!

Paint Can Tied to a Dog’s Tail? Really?

In one cringeworthy stunt, a paint company decided to tie a can of paint to a dog’s tail for their ad, suggesting that even accidental spills can look beautiful with their product. 

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While the intention was to be playful, the ad drew criticism for its bizarre choice to involve an animal in such an odd way. Not exactly the kind of message that builds brand trust!

Hair Loss Treatment...

A baldness treatment company placed a wig on a hairbrush for their ad, claiming to solve hair loss with their product. While the visual was certainly eye-catching, it was also a bit unnerving. 

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Instead of making viewers curious about the product, the ad left them feeling more uncomfortable than impressed. 

A Billboard That’s... an Empty Toilet Paper Roll?

A stomach medicine brand took things to a new level of awkward with a billboard featuring a giant, empty toilet paper roll. The message? Their product could prevent you from needing too much visit WC. 

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While effective at catching attention, the ad felt a little too direct about a topic most people prefer to keep private.

Fat-Shaming on a Fitness Center Billboard

One fitness center tried to grab attention with a billboard that appeared to sag under the “weight” of an imaginary overweight person. 

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The gimmick was meant to encourage people to join their gym but instead, it came across as cruel and fat-shaming. Not the best way to motivate people to get healthy.

Alcohol Is Cheaper Than Therapy? So Cringe!

One alcohol brand thought it was being cheeky with the slogan “Alcohol: Cheaper Than Therapy.” While it might have earned a laugh from some, it also sent a questionable message about promoting unhealthy habits. 

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It’s one thing to be clever but this ad left many people wondering if it crossed the line.

Ellen DeGeneres as Your Go-To Plumber?

One ad for plumbing services featured Ellen DeGeneres crouched next to a toilet, seemingly about to fix it. 

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The idea might have been to use her star power and relatable humor but it ended up looking more like a bizarre photoshoot than a professional service. Toilet humor is one thing—this is just strange.

"Grass is Legal in 60 Miles"—Subtlety, Who Needs It?

A roadside billboard proudly announcing that marijuana is legal just 60 miles away didn’t even try to finesse its message. It felt less like an ad and more like a sign screaming, "Get ready for your road trip!" 

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While memorable, it raised questions about what exactly was being promoted—legalization awareness or a full-on weed pilgrimage?

Moving Away From Family... Literally?

A transportation company decided to take a jab at family drama with their ad, featuring a picture of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry with the slogan, “Want to get away from your family?” It’s funny—if you’re not Meghan or Harry. 

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But for a lot of viewers, it hit too close to home (pun intended) and felt more like a roast than an ad.

Cows That Just Want to Live

One food company has a long-running campaign where cows make signs begging people to “Eat More Chicken.” Sure, it’s clever—if a bit guilt-inducing. 

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But seeing these cows pleading for their lives just makes you think about all the other animals on the menu. Is anyone else suddenly reconsidering their lunch order?

Plastic-Wrapped Babies? No Thanks!

A vintage ad for cellophane featured a stork delivering a baby wrapped in plastic. Yes, really. 

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While the intention was to highlight the product’s “freshness,” the result was a deeply unsettling image that sparked more confusion than sales. Sometimes marketers clearly cross the line.

"Open Your Snack Hole" – Not Exactly Inviting

McDonald’s decided to get “fun” with their tagline “Open your snack hole.” While it’s clear they were aiming for some playful energy, it just sounds uncomfortable. 

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The phrase made people feel like they were being told to eat in a way that felt a little... too much. It's a perfect example of trying to be edgy but coming off as more weird than appetizing.

Stop Wiping, Start Flying?

Imagine an ad for a fancy toilet where instead of subtle messaging about hygiene, a man gets launched into the air on a powerful stream of water. 

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The tagline? “Stop wiping, start washing!” Effective? We aren't sure… This campaign flew so far off the rails, it probably took the marketer’s job with it.

Strange Social Distancing 

During COVID, one ad tried promoting social distancing with a poster featuring a white man and an Afroamerican man keeping six feet apart. 

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The visual was supposed to highlight safety—but instead, it left viewers feeling deeply uncomfortable about the racial undertones. The pandemic was chaotic enough without ads making us wince.

Viagra’s Sad Bell Metaphor

This one went heavy on the cringe. The ad featured a droopy, old bell and ominously warned, “If you can’t make it ring, someone else will.” Subtle? Not even close. 

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It’s one thing to sell confidence, and it’s another to make people’s insecurities ring loud and clear.

Vintage Vaccine Drama

Back in the day, vaccine ads were not exactly low-key. One campaign showed a family all happily vaccinated—except for Dad, who now lay trapped inside what looked like an MRI tube. 

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The message was supposed to be a warning but it just left viewers confused and weirded out. Is Dad sick? Will he survive? Who knows!

Translation Gone Wrong

A Chinese company attempted to translate their billboard into English, only to leave the final version reading: “Cannot connect to translation service.” 

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The irony? This failed ad probably convinced more people to learn English than it did to buy the product. Proof that sometimes Google Translate isn’t your friend.

Grandpa and the… Exhaust Pipe?

This one’s all about placement fail. An innocent ad showed a sweet old man—except a strategically placed exhaust pipe between his legs made it look, well, not so cute. 

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You’d think someone would’ve double-checked that before print. Grandpa deserves better.

Choose Asia… Choose What?

A marketing campaign for Asian food fumbled hard when their translated slogan read, “Choose Asia, Choose Wrong.” Not exactly the endorsement they were aiming for. 

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Whether it was a typo or a broken translator, it’s a cringe lesson in double-checking before plastering your message on billboards.

Dinosaurs Didn’t Go to Church—Look What Happened

Religious ads can be quirky but this one took a bizarre turn. It boldly declared, “Dinosaurs never went to church, and look what happened to them.” Excuse me, what? Did dinosaurs need prayer? Did they fail Sunday school? 

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This ad raises more questions than it answers—and zero people got closer to the pews.

The Ad That Broke Everyone’s Brain

In a strange attempt to tackle feminism and ethical eating, one ad replaced a woman’s face with a giant egg. The caption? “You can’t be a feminist and eat eggs.” Confusing? Yes… Cringe-worthy? Of coarse! 

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Someone needs to tell the creative team that making your audience say, “Huh?” isn’t the goal.

Meet Mark—The Desperate Bachelor

Mark wasn’t content with a dating app profile—he needed a whole website. Yes, a site dedicated entirely to “Why You Should Date Mark.”  The promo photos? Let’s just say they exuded strong “run while you can” energy. 

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A forced grin and awkward poses had viewers wondering if this was real life or a marketing fever dream. 

Underwear Designed for...Fart Control!

If you’ve ever thought, "Wow, I wish my underwear filtered gas emissions," congratulations—this ad was made for you. 

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One brand boldly launched “fart-filtering” undies, claiming they were the key to confidence. Sure, the product might work but who would risk buying this?

Buy One Eye Patch, Get One Free...

Marketing deals are supposed to make you excited, not confused. “Buy one eye patch, get one free!” screamed this promo. Who exactly is the target audience? 

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It’s like they skipped logic entirely and went straight for “bargain bin cringe.” After all, with bandages on both eyes, a person will not be able to see where he is going at all...

Beard Growth Serum—Featuring Baby 

To sell their magical beard-growing potion, one brand thought it’d be adorable to show a baby with a fully-grown beard. Spoiler: it wasn’t adorable. 

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The unsettling image of a baby made viewers wonder if the ad team had a strange sense of humor—or just ran out of adults with facial hair. 

Silicone Scrubber Hand—A Shower Scene Gone Wrong

In the quest for convenience, someone invented a silicone “scrubber hand” to wash your back. Great concept? Maybe. But the ad turned it into a horror movie. 

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Picture a giant, lifeless rubber hand clawing at your skin while a model smiles way too happily. It’s a chilling reminder that not all inventions deserve their moment in the spotlight.

Diamonds Are Pointless? Really?

A vintage ad took the cringe crown with this gem: “Diamonds are meaningless—buy her a maid!” To make matters worse, the image featured a poorly photoshopped Indian woman labeled as “the perfect gift.” 

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It was sexist, offensive, and jaw-droppingly tone-deaf. If the goal was to spark outrage, mission accomplished. If not, someone definitely got fired.

Vintage Paint Ad—Tone-Deaf and Then Some

In one of history’s most ill-conceived campaigns, a paint brand thought it’d be clever to feature two Afro-American men painting each other white. Let that sink in. 

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Even for its time, the ad was shockingly ignorant. Instead of showcasing the product, it painted a much uglier picture—one of marketing teams that clearly had no idea what they were doing.

Your Looks Don’t Matter Without Deodorant—Apparently

Another vintage gem decided to ruin everyone’s self-esteem. The tagline? “With bad deodorant, no one will notice your beauty.” 

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As if body odor wasn’t already embarrassing enough, the ad piled on the shame with a model being “ignored” despite her flawless looks. Smells like insecurity to me—and also like an ad team that missed the memo on positive messaging.

Toilet Seats on a Bus? No Thanks

One company thought it would be a great idea to cover bus seats with images of toilet seats. The result? Passengers felt like they were sitting on a public restroom. 

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People were so weirded out by it that many chose to watch in the window... Whoever came up with this probably didn’t think about how awkward it would feel in real life.

Rotten Toothbrush Ad

A toothbrush company used a disturbing image of a rotting fish in place of a tooth to remind people to brush after eating.

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While the message was clear, the visuals were nightmare image. Instead of selling toothbrushes, they probably scared people into skipping meals altogether.