Her husband mysteriously disappeared 23 years ago... What he was doing all these years shocked everyone

16 Oct 2023

This is Richard Hoagland. 23 years ago, his family thought that he had gone missing! His relatives suffered and cried every day, the police searched for the man everywhere, but could not find him... Everyone even believed that he was clearly dead... But no one even suspected how this mystical disappearance would end!

Mysterious disappearance.jpg?format=webp

They were the perfect family

And it all started great. Linda and Richard Hoagland got married about 30 years ago. They were incredibly happy together, the smile never left their faces! Those around them never tired of repeating what a beautiful couple they are!

They were the perfect family.jpg?format=webp@How Missing Man's Family Finds Him Alive 23 Years Later/ABC News/YouTube.com